Nominate A Car
Thank you for nominating your vehicle for the Keeneland Concours d’Elegance. Outlined below are several factors are taken into consideration before accepting any vehicle for the Concours:
- Significant vehicles for each class must be in original condition or faithfully restored to original condition.
- Each year special recognition has been given to the Featured Marque Class.
- You may enter more than one vehicle; however, we allow only one vehicle per class per entrant.
- Vehicles will be judged based on the correctness of their period, presentation and cleanliness.
- Exceptional replicas may be eligible for the non-judged display class.
- Any vehicle which has been awarded a KCdE Best in Class will not be eligible for future judged entry.
- Vehicles may not be entered more than (2) times within (5) year period.
Photos of the Nominated Vehicle
In order to be considered for the Keeneland Concours d’Elegance, we require four photos of each nominated vehicle:
- A photo to be taken from the front corner,
- A photo to be taken from the rear corner,
- A photo to be taken under the hood showing the engine compartment, and
- A shot of the instrument panel and interior. (See Figure 1.)
The photos must be high resolution (1200 x 900 pixels) and clearly show the current condition of the car. If digital photos are not available, high-resolution scans of prints may be used. Photo scanning can be obtained at many drug stores or discount retail stores.
The best overall photo of your car will be published in the Keeneland Concours d’Elegance program book. It should be of exceptional quality and composition. (See Figure 2).
Photo Tip: A simple uncluttered background is best and the photos should be taken outside under soft lighting conditions, i.e. early morning, late in the day or under cloudy conditions. Always avoid harsh sunlight.

General Description and Specifications of the Vehicle
Please provide an overall general description of your vehicle in the space provided on the Nomination Form. If your vehicle is selected, this description will be published in the Keeneland Concours program book along with the photo of your vehicle (See below for a sample description).
Please limit your description to approximately 70 words.
1953 Porsche 356 Super Coupe
This early 356 Coupe was built for the American market and imported by Max Hoffman of New York City. It is a Deluxe Version 1500 Super with a Model 528 engine producing 75 horsepower. The car also came with a full synchromesh transmission. After a three-year, nuts-and-bolts restoration it has won at several major automotive venues.
All nominations and photos must be received by May 14, 2025, to be considered. Once your submission has been reviewed and processed, you will receive a letter of acknowledgment from the Keeneland Concours Car Selection Committee. Information packets will be mailed to all selected entrants.
If you have any questions please contact: